Inside the Red Oval RSS

The inspiration behind the collection, Trails of Central Ohio

In early December, I wanted to work on loosening up my painting style a little and begin a small series of paintings that could be done in one to two hours. Although, I enjoy painting all of the little details in my earlier works, I wanted to see what would happen if I limited the amount of time I allowed myself to complete a painting. I decided that I would paint on canvas paper for this series as it wouldn’t be too much of a loss if I didn’t like how a painting turned out. I thought I would ask my audience on Instagram what kind of paintings they would like to see me paint next from the choices of...

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How it all Began

These times now are certainly very different, challenging, and uncertain.  In the Spring when all of the teachers and students were sent home from their classrooms to teach and learn from home, it became a time for me look inwards and to reflect on what matters to me the most.  Although, I teach Art everyday to all of my wonderful, creative young students, I had forgotten to create my own Art. All of my art supplies were packed away in bins and boxes in the crawl space of my basement.  I finally decided to begin my new journey in painting again.  I crawled into the tight, low ceiling space to pull out the dusty boxes filled with my paints and...

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